
This filter is even more prudish than the hidden child of a Mormon and a Taliban. Useful for consultation at work or in the presence of young children.

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16/9 (desktop)
9/16 (mobile)

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Woafu's comment

The higher the video length, the wider the movements, the more often glitches occur and the number of trials increase... 24 frames is really the maximum without too many errors. Please note that the required VRAM increases greatly with the number of frames.

Image Generation

UI Stable Diffusion A1111 (External link to GitHub)
Checkpoint RealCartoon-Anime
Character LORA Nilou (External link to CivitAi)
Prompt <lora:nilou1-000008:1> niloudef, ,(upper body,close view),wind,seductive,shy, dancing,
Negative prompt hands, (nude, hentai, nipples), (deviant art, deviantart,anime), (worst quality, low quality, ugly:1.4), poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, mutation, mutated, extra limbs, extra legs, extra arms, disfigured, deformed, cross-eye, blurry, (bad art, bad anatomy:1.4), blurred
Generation size 512x768
Steps 80
Sampler DPM++ 2M SDE Karras
CFG Scale 12
Hires size -
Hires steps -
Hires upscaler -
Extensions AnimateDiff
AnimateDiff Parameters model: improved3DMotion_improved3DV1.ckpt
video_length: 24
fps: 8
loop_number: 0
closed_loop: R-P
batch_size: 16
stride: 1
overlap: 4
interp: Off
interp_x: 3