
This filter is even more prudish than the hidden child of a Mormon and a Taliban. Useful for consultation at work or in the presence of young children.

Automatically play or no the videos. If disabled, hover the video to play it.

Favorite ratio

16/9 (desktop)
9/16 (mobile)

While all the available sizes will be displayed, your favorite one will be shown first.

Resource :: AnimateDiff

AnimateDiff for Stable Diffusion serves a specific purpose: generating short videos or animations using the power of the Stable Diffusion model. Unlike Stable Diffusion, which primarily generates individual images, AnimateDiff acts as a bridge between text prompts and video generation.
This allows you to provide text descriptions, similar to prompts used for image generation, and the tool utilizes Stable Diffusion to produce a sequence of images based on the evolving prompt over time.

AnimateDiff for A1111 (GitHub)
Original AnimateDiff (GitHub)

How to install/use

Everything you need to know is available on the GitHub page.

Stable Diffusion Art provides once AGAIN an extended and well written guide on this extension.
You can also ask Gemini.

Pages to download models

Matter of choice, I suggest you test the following ones. I find the others lackluster at least. Improved 3D Motion Module is my favorite, the best to produce a live wallpaper effect. The wider movements are done by the v3 of the main model, the more consistent are produced by Stabilized high. TemporalDiff is a mix of all the others.

Main models (v3_sd15_mm.ckpt is what you need)
Improved 3D Motion Module (CivitAI), my favorite model
AD Stabilized Motion Module (CivitAI)