
This filter is even more prudish than the hidden child of a Mormon and a Taliban. Useful for consultation at work or in the presence of young children.

Automatically play or no the videos. If disabled, hover the video to play it.

Favorite ratio

16/9 (desktop)
9/16 (mobile)

While all the available sizes will be displayed, your favorite one will be shown first.


Link to download page on CivitAi

This LoRA attempts to replicate the visual style of video games, with a focus on Skyrim (for concepts), Elden Ring (backgrounds), and Baldur's Gate 3 (characters).
Effects can be combined or used separately.

Trigger words:

  • Global: "rpg, heroic fantasy" (optional, enforces the style)
  • Baldur's Gate 3: "bg3"
  • Elden Ring: "eldenring"
  • Skyrim: "skyrim"
Favorite weights: 0.8-1
Steps, Hires steps, CFG: doesn't matter
Checkpoints: works better with realistic checkpoints, especially DreamShaper, but is usable with all
Combining LoRAs: that's the main point, it is usable with character LoRAs and will teleport them to the corresponding universe. Anime characters can be used, you will need to emphasize the trigger words (see examples).

Technical data for the generation of this LoRA can be found at the bottom of this page.

Random pictures generated with RPGify

Technical aspect

Trained with OneTrainer on in-game screenshots:

  • 299 pictures of Elden Ring
  • 206 pictures of Baldur's Gate III
  • 432 pictures of Skyrim


  1. Download images
  2. Resize them: I made a PHP script to resize images with a minimum size of 300 pixels and a maximum of 576, converts them to PNG format and adding a prefix for better classification.
    - Download it
    Dimensions are grouped by multiples of 8 to facilitate batch processing.
    Will give a try with cropping too, as resizing can lead to severally low resolution.
    'to_crop/output/'// Output directory
    $basefiles 'to_crop/input/'// Input directory
    $files scandir($basefiles);
    $count 0;
    $max_size 576// Max dimension

    foreach($files AS $useless => $name)
    $name != '.' && $name != '..')
    $source_file $basefiles $name;
    $dest_file $dest_rep 'painting_romanticism_' $count '.png'// Change 'painting_romanticism_' for the prefix you want
    if(substr($name,-4) == '.png')
    $img = @imagecreatefrompng($source_file);
    substr($name,-4) == '.jpg' || substr($name,-5) == '.jpeg')
    $img imagecreatefromjpeg($source_file);
    substr($name,-5) == '.webp')
    $img imagecreatefromwebp($source_file);
    substr($name,-5) == '.avif')
    $img imagecreatefromavif($source_file);
    $original_x imagesx($img);
    $original_y imagesy($img);
    // Optimal ratio
    $ratio = ($original_x $original_y) > 169 916
    $new_x floor($original_x 8) * 8;
    $new_y floor($original_y 8) * 8;
    $ratio == 169)
    $true_ratio $original_x $original_y;                    
    $original_x $max_size)
    $ratio_crop $original_x $max_size;
    $new_x $max_size;
    $new_y round($original_y $ratio_crop);
    $new_y floor($new_y 8) * 8;
    $true_ratio $original_y $original_x;
    $original_y $max_size)
    $ratio_crop $original_y $max_size;
    $new_y $max_size;
    $new_x round($original_x $ratio_crop);
    $new_x floor($new_x 8) * 8;

    $new_x 300 && $new_y 300)   
    $dst_file imagecreatetruecolor($new_x$new_y);
    substr($name,-4) == '.png' || substr($name,-5) == '.webp')

  3. Automatic tagging with Kohya_SS, using WD14 and a treshold of 0.1 (0.4 for Elden Ring, as I want mainly the style), adding "rpg, heroic fantasy" + videogame trigger word at the beginning
  4. I Use OneTrainer for the training: download settings.