
This filter is even more prudish than the hidden child of a Mormon and a Taliban. Useful for consultation at work or in the presence of young children.

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Favorite ratio

16/9 (desktop)
9/16 (mobile)

While all the available sizes will be displayed, your favorite one will be shown first.

an art piece of the female angel of dark souls in front of some sort of lights and clouds with wings above her head to the right of her

Image Generation Data

UI Stable Diffusion A1111 (External link to GitHub)
Checkpoint MeinaMix
Character LORA Shenhe (External link to CivitAi)
Prompt (highly detailed:1.5), (realistic :1.6),, (dramatic,sadness :1.8), (perfect artwork), best quality,(8k), (4k),(Masterpiece), (Best Quality), extremely detailed, intricate, hyper detailed, illustration, clearly worked out detail, intricate, cinematic,(depth of field), <lora:shenhe2:1.8>(shenhernd,1girl, solo), (single braid,long white hair), (snow, snowflakes), (((galaxy background, aurora borealis:1.4))),moon, (((sad))), (tears in the wind),
Negative prompt (worst quality, low quality:1.4), logo, text, badhandv4, bad anatomy, bad face, bad hands, bad body, bad feet, bad proportions, cut off hand, bad leg, more legs, missing fingers, more fingers, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, gross proportions, blurry, poorly drawn, text, error, missing fingers, missing arms, missing legs, short legs, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, out of frame, low background, distorted perspective, face out of frame, out of focus, signature, artist name, watermark, username, (watermark, logo), Asian-Less-Neg, easyneg, extra ears, fewer fingers, extra fingers, (extra hands), bad hands, sketches, (low quality:2), (worst quality:2), skin spot, age spot, glans, skin blemishes, DeepNegative, lowres,bad anatomy, extra views, multiple views, extra panel, multiple panels, easynegative,
Seed 2352843689
CFG Scale 7
Generation size 400x700
Steps 130
Sampler DPM++ 2M SDE Karras
Hires size -
Hires steps 20
Hires upscaler 4x-UltraSharp
Extensions Controlnet