
This filter is even more prudish than the hidden child of a Mormon and a Taliban. Useful for consultation at work or in the presence of young children.

Automatically play or no the videos. If disabled, hover the video to play it.

Favorite ratio

16/9 (desktop)
9/16 (mobile)

While all the available sizes will be displayed, your favorite one will be shown first.

a sexy female posing in front of the camera with a gun

Image Generation Data

UI Stable Diffusion A1111 (External link to GitHub)
Checkpoint Woafu
Character LORA Barbara (External link to CivitAi)
Prompt <lora:barbara1:0.8>close view of barbararnd,blonde hair,headdress, <lora:pointinggun:0.7>gunatyou,((futuristic laser gun)),aiming at viewer, (view from below), stomach cutout, cleavage,cybernetic gloves, futuristic cyberpunk sexy outfit, deep intensive murderous glance,proud, confident, (heroic pose,motion blur,dynamic pose, depth of field:1.8), white ((futuristic)) cathedral background, courtyard,
best quality,sharp focus,(8k), (4k),(Masterpiece), (Best Quality), fantasy, extremely detailed, intricate, hyper detailed, (perfect face),
Negative prompt (lamp,deviant art, deviantart), pointy ears, (hentai,nude,nipples), BadDream, (((text,letters,watermark,signature,ideograms,username, twitter username,copyright))), (worst quality, low quality, ugly:1.4), poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, mutation, mutated, extra limbs, extra legs, extra arms, disfigured, deformed, cross-eye, blurry, (bad art, bad anatomy:1.4), blurred
Seed 55085899
CFG Scale 6.5
Generation size 432x768
Steps 30
Sampler DPM++ 2M SDE Karras
Hires size 768x1368
Hires steps 25
Hires upscaler RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B
Extensions Adetailer