
This filter is even more prudish than the hidden child of a Mormon and a Taliban. Useful for consultation at work or in the presence of young children.

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16/9 (desktop)
9/16 (mobile)

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a cartoon style anime photo with a blue hair holding two swords a dragon and a pagoda at the background and mountains behind it that is very cloudy

Image Generation Data

UI Stable Diffusion A1111 (External link to GitHub)
Checkpoint Woafu
Additional LORA Unlimited Blade Works
Prompt <lora:xingqiu:0.7>xingqiu (genshin impact), 1boy, male focus, solo, jewelry, blue hair, earrings, frilled sleeves, yellow eyes, single earring, frills, long sleeves, water, bangs, tassel earrings, tassel,, ((male focus)), (((heroic,proud, confident, powerful))), standing on a cliff, <lora:UnlimitedBladeWorks1.6:0.4>,holding, weapon, holding weapon, holding blue glowing sword, (fighting stance), rocky mountains background, chinese medieval harbor far away below,east asian architecture, scenery,
(dynamic, motion blur, depth of field, heroic fantasy,cinematic lighting:1.2), strong contrast, best quality,sharp focus,(8k), (4k),(Masterpiece), (Best Quality), fantasy, extremely detailed, intricate, hyper detailed, (perfect face),
Negative prompt sea, waves, (lamp,deviant art, deviantart), pointy ears, (hentai,nude,nipples), BadDream, (((text,letters,watermark,signature,ideograms,username, twitter username,copyright))), (worst quality, low quality, ugly:1.4), poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, mutation, mutated, extra limbs, extra legs, extra arms, disfigured, deformed, cross-eye, blurry, (bad art, bad anatomy:1.4), blurred
Seed 3151213228
CFG Scale 6.5
Generation size 768x432
Steps 45
Sampler DPM++ 2M SDE Karras
Hires size 1920x1080
Hires steps 30
Hires upscaler 4x-UltraSharp
Extensions Adetailer